Of Beaches and Banners

It's good to have friends who have rich friends! We enjoyed a couple of days on the Outer Banks in a glorious house which had eight, count 'em, eight bathrooms. We're still at one here at home.

The men preferred to yack and read, while we women enjoyed the beach, which was rough and windy and cold! Little Bubba tried to drag Buddy into the surf, and as you see, it backfired!

Our friends, who are in ministry also, know just how important it is to retreat periodically - for rest, for relaxation, and especially for spiritual renewal.

It's often hard for us to relax like we should, so it's so nice to be reminded and to have such a nice opportunity. I'm talkin' three floors, lots of decks, and have I mentioned eight bathrooms? Plus walks on the beach, lots of time for reading and praying, several rounds of Dutch Blitz (most addictive game in the world) and times of great fellowship and lively discussion between friends.

Buddy had a friend of his own, Sawyer, to trot along the beach with. But Buddy has a lot to learn about being a friend when there's food around. We had a hard time keeping him from pitching a fit at Sawyer anytime we were in the kitchen or eating at the dining table.

He also preferred Sawyer's food bowl to his own. At one point, Buddy was in the kitchen eating from Sawyer's bowl, and Sawyer was downstairs eating from Buddy's bowl. I guess it's the "grass is always greener" adage in action!

Now, I know it looks like I'm babying the dog, carrying him along the beach, but in reality there was a really BIG dog up ahead who was not leashed. I wasn't worried about the big dog coming after Buddy, but quite the opposite - Buddy is often scared to death of other little dogs, but very agressive toward large dogs. Once he charged toward a huge rottweiler who was jogging toward him, and I had to lift Buddy by the leash and literally swing him through a doorway to keep him from becoming lunch!

My friend was collecting shells and the one she picked up here must have looked like a doggy treat, or maybe cat poop, because Buddy really wanted it.

On another note, my mom's creative juices have been flowing (what a strange expression, when you really think about it!) and she has come up with some adorable banners, which are for sale online.

Mom's been making banners for some time now, using beautiful fabrics, ribbons, buttons and found items. Each banner is carefully designed and beautifully crafted down to the smallest detail. The banners are such a creative way to celebrate an event - holidays, birthdays, or a new baby like the banner pictured here, made of paper and vintage cards, with embellishments.

Click on the link below to see all of Mom's current banners. She sells on Etsy.com, under the name "Banner Celebrations." I just love what she does with a handful of materials and a creative mind! http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5158550&page=1&section_id=&order=

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What great pictures, especially when enlarged--beautiful surf, foot/paw prints in the sand! (To say nothing of the lovely people) I've got the picture of LB coming out of the surf with Buddy as my desktop. It fills up the whole screen beautifully. Great stop action! Also, thanks for the "shout out." MM