Stuffed. Turkey-style.

Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name;
make known among the nations what he has done.
Sing to him, sing praise to him;
tell of all his wonderful acts!
(Psalm 105)

If I had 24 uninterrupted hours to tell of God's wonderful acts in my life, it would not be enough to get past the "A"s.

If I had an entire case of paper and a whole box of pens, it would not be enough to even begin to write what He has done for me.

If I sang every praise song ever written, they could not express the thanks that He deserves for His faithfulness and unfailing love!

We enjoyed a relaxing day off yesterday, eating all kinds of yummy food - I was particularly partial to the stuffing. And the rolls. And the squash. And the potatoes. And the stuffed eggs. And the pumpkin pie.

There was leisure time to read. I spent a little time in this old book.

"The air smells of windfall apples and the musty sweet of pumpkins and squash. Nights are crisp, and we keep the fire burning in the ancient fireplace, but days are warm gold...."

I also found time to decorate the small tree in the dining room.

I've been collecting vintage ornaments for it over the last few years. Most of the ornaments are plastic or fabric, which is helpful when I knock the tree over (at least once a season).

We enjoyed eating leftovers and watching "Elf" in the evening with a couple of friends. (Please excuse the poor camera work! Oh, and don't look at Flutterbug - she doesn't appreciate being filmed without warning, so I told her I'd have everyone ignore her. So help me out here.)

I went to bed feeling a bit euphoric. Thanksgiving night signals the beginning of the Christmas season for us, and even at the ripe old age of 44, I get that yuletide tingle!


Anonymous said...

that wasn't so bad ;)

Brenda Covert said...

I LOVE old kitchy ornaments! How very sweet and old-fashioned - the tree, I mean. Though come to think of it, you seem very sweet and old-fashioned too. ;-)