Is That A Flake?

Dare we dream?

Rumor has it that we may get some snow. It may start snowing after midnight, and it may snow tomorrow.


Even though snow may mean I can get my filing caught up.

Or that I may get started on my next mirror.

Or may read a good cookbook.

In truth, unless we get a real blizzard, I'll be spending the day preparing for a fundraising event that evening. An organization of businessmen is hosting a trade show and the proceeds of the silent auction and raffle will go to Victory Home.

They've asked us to take care of the auction logistics, since we've done it a few times before. It's a ticketed event at Founders Inn, an elegant venue, with nearly 200 people expected. Should be interesting, and more importantly, should raise some badly needed funds for Victory Home!

If any of you are Twitterers, I'm beginning to catch on to it, so if you'd like to follow Victory Home, our username is "Victoryhome." And I'll be thrilled if you do!

If any of you are on Facebook, and not already my friend, ADD ME! You know, if you're not a freak.

Or a democrat.

I'll report on the snow, or lack thereof, tomorrow.


Brenda Covert said...

Did it snow?

Timber said...

To quote Miracle Max: "...thank you so much for bringing up such a painful subject. While you're at it, why don't you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it?"

So, after another bout of major hype from the weathermen, we got nuthin' although right toward the end of the next day there were a few pretty flurries. So sad!