I'm So Glad I'm a Part...

Y'all are so awesome, dear Readers! Thank you so much for your comments and especially your prayers.

Mike seems to be looking a little better. He was supposed to have received another round of antibiotics this morning. The type that they tried gave him a mild allergic reaction and they didn't get around to giving him another type until early this evening (they admitted him officially this morning, since they could see it would take a couple of days to get a handle on the infection).

So his head looked worse for a while today, but after tonight's round it looked somewhat better. They're still not sure what it is.

Flutterbug and I entertained him this evening (boredom is setting in!) and reluctantly came home around 11pm. The house feels strange without him here. I stayed up until 2am last night because of it, but I'm feeling pretty groggy right now so I think there's hope for tonighzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Thanks again for your continued prayers. The family of God is a beautiful thing - how does anyone live without that support? I can't begin to imagine.


1 comment:

Brenda Covert said...

I hope you have better news today (Friday). It's awful when the doctors don't know what's wrong and have to guess at treatment! Help them, Lord!