Time Flies When I Don't Blog

I'm a stalled ox. Not sure what that is, exactly...an ox, I guess...that is stalled...yup, sounds like me. Close enough.

So here it is, a month after my last post, and I.just.can't.seem.to.get.the.ball.rolling.

I was tempted to skip over the rest of our trip to NH, and plow (note the ox lingo) forward into the present, but...all those photos...all that fun...

Okay, here I go, the ox is leaving the stall and venturing into the pasture (in cute little kitten-heeled peep-toed shoes, of course)...

We had a great visit with my aunts, uncle and cousins in Massachusetts.

We passed around old photos which brought back lots of memories.
More pics tomorrow...I'm starting to frolic just a bit among the buttercups...


tuftsmel said...

G - A - S - P !!! An actual blog from Melanie !!! I'm breathless with joy! WAY TO GO! A realtor friend told me, out of the blue, that she went back to your blog site and brought herself up to date, LAUGHING all the way! Not having been a regular reader, apparently, she decided to check your blog while her husband and son had gone up to bed, and it resulted in many a giggle.
So I hope that will be goad (ox term) enough for you to keep plowing the garden of your loyal readers.
Love ya!

modemom said...

The previous comment prompted me to read, again, your posts from the bottom of the page up, and I found myself laughing all over again. Love it!

Leisa said...

Great photos!