A Day in the Life...of Victory Home

Whew! Busy weekend!

Victory Home was all over town on Saturday. Our Applebee's Flapjack breakfast benefit was a lot of fun, not to mention delicious.

Several Victory Home guys solicited donations at Walmart and Food Lion.

That's my husband, the one who looks like he's breaking into a donation jar.

We had a weekend yard sale for Victory Home and they were mobbed. It's particularly popular with people who enjoy DIGGING. We fill those trailers in the background with clothing and toys for export.

The woman in the photo below is a regular customer to both the thrift store and our yard sales, always on the lookout for unique items for her eclectic shop.

The man on the left made a commitment to Christ recently, and he's looking forward to being baptized. He's spent most of his adult life in prison, and his father has also been in prison many years. Now hopefully this legacy will be reversed!

Clint was excited that we received a large donation of meat!

Bright and early Sunday morning, everyone was back at church. Clint and another man read scripture passages aloud, three men were ushers, one manned the sound board, two helped lead singing, three played instruments, and three sang an a cappella version of "By His Wounds." It was beautiful. I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God!

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