
Power on - Yay! Heat on - Yay!

Most of our fridges and freezers were on generators so food was saved.

Except for that one freezer tucked away in the church basement.


The whole building stunk like a warm freezer full of dead animals. Which it was. Then the guys enhanced it with the stench of 6 bottles of pure Pine-Sol. Poor Flutterbug got a headache trying to work in that air, and I nearly banished Mike from the house because he brought the smell home with him.

Have I mentioned my super-sensitive nose? Have I mentioned that Mike's is the opposite? He was fortunate in this case.

But other than that, we had a big bunch of blessing - the electrician charged very little, the power company came right out to restring the lines once the work was finished, the generators were loaned to us free from a couple of caring folks, and we hardly skipped a beat.

God is so GOOD, isn't he!


Mike saw an orthopaedic surgeon Tuesday - he has a separated shoulder and possible torn rotator cuff, which may require surgery. An MRI will tell if that's the case. No wonder he's still in such pain!

So they scheduled an MRI...for a week from Saturday.

Clearly, they're not the ones in pain!

In the meantime, he has the choice between pain or grogginess from pain medication. He's been popping so much ibuprofen that he's getting canker sores, so they gave him something else. If he takes it, he's good for little more than a nap. So now he's alternating, depending on his responsibilities for the day.

Yesterday, Mike gave a youth leader a tour of the facility. Afterwards, the guy gripped his shoulder and said, "Let me pray for ya." Mike said he took it like a man, and didn't even cry.


If I can remember to do it, I'm thinking of starting a theme on Thursdays of posting a pic of the most unusual item in the thrift store. I go there most Thursdays to display books; as long as I remember to bring my camera, I'll start tonight - so check back!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Melanie,

I love to read your Blog!!!!

Will be looking for an update on Mike....poor guy! I had surgery for a torn rotator cuff 18 mos ago. I rolled over in bed and felt it "rip"! Wacky!


Anonymous said...

oohh that sounds like fun...the thrift store pic, not the MRI. Too bad for Mike..I'll keep him in prayer.

Timber said...

Linnette, I'm glad you like it! I can't believe you tore that thing rolling over - yikes!

And thanks, IA, for praying. We appreciate it!

Brenda Covert said...

Aw, nuggets. Torn rotator cuff, and still he ran the marathon! Poor thing. What a sad choice - to be groggy or to be painfully aware of your shoulder.