
Time for a party!

We're going to have everyone over on Friday evening. I have a teeny to-do list.

We tackled a little of it today.

This is a foosball table that we got two Christmases ago. I opened the box once last year, saw all the little unassembled parts, and closed it right up again. BUT Mike and I put our heads together, and I'm proud to say that after a whole day of alternately working on it and staring at it, it's a good 30% assembled.

We picked up a new Dutch Blitz game on clearance recently, so we're going to mark this deck and try having an eight-player game on Friday night - it's a hugely popular fast-paced game (I love a game in which I don't have to wait for my turn!).

So I'm thinking that we'll put the food in the kitchen, use the dining room for Dutch Blitz, play a movie in the family room, use the living room for people who just want to yack, and put the foosball table on the back porch. I'm not sure how well that will work, but it's worth a try.

Therefore, I must

  • Clean the back porch,

  • Clean the entire house, (Oh, if only we weren't such pigs...)

  • Decide on food - I'm thinking snack/finger food would be best, and some have already offered to contribute,

  • Take down the Christmas wreath (oh hush, it still looks good),

  • Bathe the ball of hair a.k.a. Buddy (and spritz him with Old Spice for the girls),

  • Pull all of our missing silverware out from under the chairs and between the cushions (it's the pig thing),

  • Yikes - pull the Hershey wrappers out of the sofa (I haven't been able to give my neighbor the gift basket I made when she had a baby, months ago, because I keep eating the chocolate out of it - I've replaced it at least a half a dozen times).

There are probably a few dozen more things to get done, and I'll make several lists, and lose them several times, and what gets done will get done, and we'll have a great time!


Anonymous said...

Okay, we'll be there at 7:00. How about we bring our "crappy nachos" and sherbert spritzers? I love to play new card games and your new one fits the bill. Well, we might be a tad late due to the traffic between Florida and your place. Maybe next time! :0)

Timber said...

Start now and you'll make it in plenty of time! The "crappy nachos" sound intriguing...

Brenda Covert said...

Sounds like fun! I bought the kids one of those game tables for Christmas a few years ago. Mom and I were up half the night putting it together -- I was in tears. But we did it, and it was fun while it lasted. Eventually one of the kids sat or stood or something on the table and broke one of the legs off, and that was the end of that.

K and I used to play Dutch Blitz with neighbors when we were newlyweds. It was fun! But I don't remember how to play any more!

Anonymous said...

My hands are itchin' for DB... it's been too long!