While Mike's Away, Part 2

This is what happens when Mike's not home:

It's 12:57am, and I'm lying on the bed watching Susan Boyle sing and reading Facebook statuses.

The overhead light is on and I have three books open on the bed - So Well Remembered by James Hilton, At Home in Mitford by Jan Karon, and my Bible, so that at any given moment I can pick up whichever I'm in the mood for.

The bed is strewn with empty chocolate pudding cups.

I have not brushed my teeth.

Mike needs to get home or I'm going to go completely to pot. Our houseguest, an early riser, will be creaking down the stairs in just four hours. I guess I need to muster a little self-discipline and get those teeth brushed and get the pudding off the bed and get that light off.

And shut this ridiculous computer!


Brenda Covert said...

Aw, nuts! Where's the photo that was supposed to accompany this particular blog? hehehe

Modemom said...

It's 3 a.m. here (took too long a nap this afternoon). I can't even think of getting in my bed until I remove 3 cats, a swiffer duster, 2 boxes of craft stuff and several books (none of which I am reading). No Bible, but I'm listening to Alexander Scourby reading from II Chronicles streaming on my computer over BBN as I'm typing. What's wrong with this picture? Just confirming that you inherited all your wackiness from the distaff side of the family. :^)

Tina said...

Hello! Wow I have not been to your blog is forever! You make me laugh! We have not been by the thrift store is way too long...with spring comes such a change in schedule. My daughter saw the piggy banks in one of your photos and insist that we go! ( she collects them) But I am sure you are closed today. ( memorial day)Will see you soon I am sure as we just cannot stay away from a good deal too long! Tina
PS Your daughter can access my daughters blog from my side bar...Button says Naomis Blog.

Timber said...

Ha! Brenda, I'm losing my touch, I guess!

Mom, you cracked me up with that comment! AND, I did think of you this morning when I had to clear a spot on the bed to fit Buddy!

Tina, the thrift store IS open but closing early (4pm I think). Don't know if any piggy banks are still there, but I'm pretty sure I still have one at the warehouse that hasn't gone over - I'll have to check it out tomorrow. Neat thing to collect! I'm pretty sure my girl has connected with yours; I'll ask her when she gets her sleepy head up.

Pam said...

That is to funny. I do this often when my hubby is out of town on business. : )
Hope you got some sleep before the early riser got up!
BTW, I would love to work somewhere I could sort books. lol