This and That

Mmmm...I love a good potato salad - smooth red potatoes, boiled eggs, chopped celery, peas, mayo (no mustard!) and freshly ground salt and pepper. It's a sure sign of summer!

Mike is still plugging along. He now has a rash on his wrists and torso and legs - the third doctor who looked at it took a biopsy (off his back) and declared that it's a form of psoriasis (different than his normal form) that often shows up after an infection. BUT, he went for his first run yesterday, and hasn't had a headache for several days and has had a letup of his intestinal troubles. A happy turn of events!

We had a Victory Home graduation yesterday. Two men completed their six months and they're both planning to stay on until they find jobs and save enough money to get out on their own.

We had a very nice reception, set up by a couple of women from Victory Home's board (plus over 200 chicken nuggets that I made that afternoon, after chickening out on asking Chick-fil-A to donate some).

The guys mostly preferred to be outside.

If you want to see the ultimate in comfort food, feast your eyes on this:

This is the quintessential chicken pot pie. It took most of my day off, in and out of the kitchen, to make it, but it was more than worth it! If you want the recipe, leave me a comment.

We're heading to South Carolina in the morning, so I'm staying up late tonight - three more loads of laundry to do (I hate to come home to it) and a suitcase to fill and pet bowls to fill with kibble. I shouldn't have any trouble staying awake - we finally caved in and brought home the first season of "24" and my adrenaline is steadily leaking: the very reason we've avoided this show all this time. We're more of a "Monk" or "Murder, She Wrote" kind of family. Andy Griffith" is right up our alley. What were we thinking???

After three episodes of "24" I'm ready to pull a "Kiki" - she has the right idea:

Just fluff and fold me after my warm and cozy nap.


Brenda Covert said...

Is "24" the show with Jack Bauer in it? I know it's popular with a lot of people (guys), but it sounded too intensely stressful for me to want to watch.

Potato salad is not my thing. I prefer summer's macaroni salad. :-)

I'm glad to hear that Mike is up and running!

Anonymous said...

I've never watched 24. I can't handle stressful movies either. My kids are mad at me for my Netflix choices. The last one was "Ladies in Lavender" if that tells you anything. lol. I'm always looking for the next "Pride and Prejudice" or "North and South."
That pic of your cat cracks me up.

Paul and Vicki Young said...

Caution, my sister-in-law's cat died in a dryer. When she reached for towels to fold, she got Mocha. We laughed when we heard, but she ended up in the hospital.