Up One Hill and Down the Other

Some things never change...even after 40 years. Hair still sticks out in the same places.

I still like soggy PB&J sandwiches. I still like afternoon naps. I still enjoy playing with blocks.

And my preferred method of counting is STILL on my fingers. Hey, I can count to 99 on these digits now. And I can spell big words, too, like

Guess I'm all grown up now, and heading down the other side of the hill. Something tells me that I'll still enjoy soggy PB&J, afternoon naps and playing with blocks when I'm old. And my white hair will still flip out on the right.

That'll be okay, if it means I'll still have hair. I wouldn't mind still having teeth, too, so I guess I'll go upstairs and brush them before I climb into bed...

Before I head up, let me share a little classic bit of literature with you:

In the boardinghouse where I live
Things are growing very old
Grandpa's hair fell in the butter
Silver threads among the gold

When the dog died, we had hotdogs
When the cat died, catnip tea
When the landlord died, I left there
Spareribs were too much for me

One is NEVER too old for nonsense.


Modemom said...

You've remained the same in other ways too--sweet, kind, loving, giving, talented, fun, etc., etc. Love ya!

Brenda Christmas said...

Oh dear, that poem and your soggy pb&j sandwiches have left me feeling a bit queasy ...

Anonymous said...

I still love the smell of pb&j sandwiches that sat with a banana on top in the lunch box. The children give me strange looks and the explanation takes too long but it still brings a smile to my face. Today the pb&j sandwiches don't get soggy enough and the banana is manufactured so that it keeps the smell away. Rats!
PS. The literature snippet was great! I don't think I can look at spare ribs quite the same!
PSS. You have me looking back to all the pics I have and when I find them they will be put in an album. Can you and wendy gather all that you have; I can download and put them in also. You will receive an album of your very own. Sorry, it won't have the nostalgic smell of soggy pb&j but I'll make sure to mention it in the jounaling!

Anonymous said...

I sing that song to my kids...they love it!

Timber said...

Hey - didn't I learn that song from you, MO??