
Ahem. Well. Didja miss me? I sure missed you, and I have no good excuse - I just seem to be off my groove and I'm having a hard time getting it back!

Grooves are tricky little things.

I wish I had something or someone to blame it all on. An old man would do nicely...

...but I don't have one. Well, there is a slightly aging man in the house, but it's not his fault. Plus he's always getting blamed for something, poor guy. Par for the course, in ministry - good thing he has a thick skin and a loving God! I go. Gonna try forcing my way back into that groove. Going to start a new groove, if I must, just so's I'm in one.



Brenda Christmas said...

Yay, you're back!

tuftsmel said...

I was beginning to despair at looking in vain for "Tripping..." Soooo glad your back! And that groove video was pretty terrific! Keep at it pleeeeeze!

Timber said...

Thank you all so verra verra much. Dad, that clip is from one of my favorite animated movies, "The Emperor's New Groove." Lots of quotables in it!