Victory Home had a table at the LifeChoices Wellness Fair this morning. Evidently, most of the town slept in, and it was verrrry quiet. Flutterbug and I walked home after a while (about a mile) to get the dogs (yes, that's dogS, a story for another day...) to see if they'd garner some attention.
There ARE two dogs in this picture; you've just gotta look hard:
It sure beat the Japanese movie with subtitles that Mike is being entertained by right now. Which beats the last 10 minutes of "Jaws" that he managed to catch a few minutes ago. Which, the characters in the Japanese movie are dropping like flies...lots of hara-kiri-ing...ooooh, guns now...flaming ponytails whipping in the wind...
Between the movies and the sashaying firefighter, I should have some delightfully wacky dreams tonight.
Bring it on. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
That was like the "Where's Waldo?" pages. I could see the little white dog, but couldn't find the other one for the longest time. He kind of blended in with Mike! lol
I hope you had some fun dreams!
If you click on the photo, it enlarges. Not all of my photos do that, and I can't figure out the common denominator in the ones that do!
did that movie happen to be Throne of Blood?
Jeremy: Mike doesn't remember, I looked up Throne of Blood and it sounds different. In this one, a warrior conquered all the small factions around them and divided them between his three sons, who had little respect for him or each other and ended up fighting and destroying each other. From what I recall, the father ended up in a Nebuchadnezzar-like state of insanity! It was on the Sundance channel, according to Beth. Lemme know if you have any idea what it is...
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