If Walls Could Speak

Sometimes I read something (outside of Scripture, which does this all the time) that smacks me right upside the head. This is exactly what happened when I came across the above quote!

I am all replete with very me.

One of my biggest struggles is to keep the daily busyness and responsibilities of life from filling me up and squeezing my Savior over into a little corner. 

I long to empty myself of me, and it irritates me that I so easily fill myself up with nonsense instead. God has ways of helping me, though, to realize what's happening, and repent, and let HIM fill me up, which is so far superior in every way to my pitiful attempts!

I had some printable canvas and decided to frame this gem. Some time back I bought this picture below at {guess where} Victory Home Thrift Store. 

When I removed the print and put the canvas in its place, it was just a tad short.

I remembered buying these little tin strips for a whopping quarter at that same wunnerful store, and after searching all over the house for them - my lot in life - I located them and rubbed them with a little copper craft paint.

Now I have a handy reminder to pour myself out for Him!

And while I was on a roll, I did the third painting for the dining room, after walking past that wall for a month and telling myself, "Self, you need to crank out that third painting - the wall does NOT look right."

There, that's better. Disproportionate walls and art throw off my groove.

Can you tell it's nighttime by the horrid lighting? I'll try to improve on that pic once we get sunshine again, which should be in a few days (drat).

Aren't these little birdie salt and pepper shakers aDORable?? 
I believe I came across them at Cracker Barrel for about $2.99 each.

A little birdie's telling me it's time to toddle off to bed. 
Tomorrow is a big day for us...we're in for some changes...
...excited about the future, 
and doing our best to stay empty of us and full of Him!


Modemom said...

And a child shall lead them.

Brenda Covert said...

Oooooh, the abstracts on the wall look so artsy and pretty!

That's a great poem too. I need to remember that. I am very often full of my own foolishness.

tuftsmel said...

"Can you say R E S O U R S E F U L ?"

Timber said...

Can you spell RESOURCEFUL, heh heh, Daddy-O?

Thanks, Mum:)

Brenda, we all are, aren't we! I guess that's what makes a quote like that resonate so well. Good thing God uses the foolishness of this world to confound the wise, eh?

Paul and Vicki Young said...

Shoot, I thought it was on a wall and you were going to teach us how to post a big ol' paragraph like that on the wall. But it's still a good poem, and looks cool in that frame. I just ran into a deal on frames last Sat. and have a set of 5 blue ones, just waiting for pics or something. Evangel says put our wedding pictures in them, but since not one of them is even dating yet, I can't wait that long.