A Little 'O This and a Little 'O That

Lookie there - celery-green hose and turquoise sprayer! 
AND green-and-turquoise garden gloves!

I started lettuce early this year and it's nearing the end of its run already.

I still enjoy it the "Mel Tufts" way:

...a spritz of white vinegar and a sprinkle of sugar.

Ok, a couple of sprinkles of sugar.


...and last of the baby spinach and rainbow swiss chard...
(well, there may be enough left for an omelette or two)

I picked up an old copy of C.S. Lewis's first sci-fi book 
at the loverly Victory Home Thrift Store - what a {slow-paced but} exciting romp!

And after yakking about it with a new-church friend, he passed along this set:

CHRISTIAN SCI-FI - what a fascinating concept!

Here's a sneak-peek at the yarny project:

We all have decent bikes now.
If only we could find time to RIDE THEM.

We're all busy as bees as we transition to our new church - 
pictures will pop up one of these days; 
for now I'll just say that we're overwhelmed by God's goodness and grace
and though very tired, we're having a blast!


tuftsmel said...

Great blog! Keep 'em coming, whether you have time or not!!!
One comment about vinegar: apple cider vinegar which is the color of apple juice, is the better choice, in my opinion, for food purposes because of its richer flavor. White vinegar, shown in you photo, is great for cleaning purposes, even to removing the odor of smoke from rooms affected by a fire, or in getting rid of dog urine smell from a basement cement floor.
This bit of sage advise is without charge to your loyal reader fans! LOL

Timber said...

I bow to the superior salad-sprinkler!