A-Fishin' and a-Eatin'

Don't you just love a party?

Stick it outdoors on a gorgeous fall day, on the edge of a river, and you've got sheer bliss!

We ate, we laughed, and some of us fished.

I was not among the fishers, owing to a worm repulsion and a soft heart for carp and croaker. But old and young alike enjoyed themselves and didn't even mind swatting the no-see-ums NON-STOP.

This was more up my alley: 'Smores! Last time I bought ingredients for 'Smores, the chocolate bars didn't, um, quite make it to the barbecue. So I haven't had one in a long time. Chocolate with graham crackers and marshmallow is almost as good as chocolate. Yum!

Night descended and we drifted off to our own homes. 

A bit of a contrast, I must say. City living has its perks, but nothing beats the peace of sunset on a river and a 'Smore in the hand.


Modemom said...

Neat pictures!

Brin said...

Hi! This is Brin over at My Messy, Thrilling Life. I wanted you to know that you won the Giveaway for the $50 Shabby Apple Giftcard!

Would you mind shooting me your email address so we can get it to you? My address is: letters(at)brinwisdom(dot)com.

Thanks, and congratulations! Hope you get something you love! -Brin

P.S. Your a fishin' and eatin' looked so fun! :)

Timber said...

Yay! Jiggity-jig! Thank you, Brin; email on its way...