Rain, Rain, Go Away

Greenville still smells good, but we're getting soggy.

In between rain showers we visited the cousins. Younger Brother found a "roly-poly" bug and held it in his little hand until it wriggled a little too much and he let out a blood-curdling scream, like only a 3-year-old can. A beautiful 3-year-old belly laugh followed. The sounds of summer!

We didn't want Buddy to be left out of the fun; not so sure he agreed.

BUT, we did our best to wear him out. If it doesn't work, I think I'll go to the nearest animal doctor's office, bottle some of the smell, and threaten Buddy with it. Now there's a money-making idea to run with. That may be more lucrative than the flesh-colored duct tape face-lift idea.

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