Our 4th annual banquet is coming up in just a week and a half and we're getting excited!

There's still a lot to be done, though, so there's also a little stress. We need more table hosts, and we have plenty of work left to collect items and organize the silent auction.
We're lining up former and current clients to give short testimonies. That will be my favorite part of the whole night.
Yikes! There are the table decorations, which I haven't given a second thought to, since collecting all those pine cones.
And we have literature to tweak before we set it at the place settings. Oh boy, and programs, and donor cards, and . . .
'Scuse me, while I get back to work.
Wish you lived closer...I'd come and help!
Oh thank you! I could use it! I'm thinking of looking for a magnolia tree - if I can find nice green leaves, they'd be nice on the table. If brown, they could be spray painted white or gold and the pine cones frosted or something...I guess what I need to do is go for an extended bike ride around town and see what turns up!
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