The Month in a Nutshell...

I don't know what's going on with me - can't seem to settle down to blog. Maybe it's Spring Fever!

Just to make up for my negligence, I'm going to wear you out with a really, really long post.

We enjoyed getting up really, really early for the Easter sunrise service this year. As far as falls go, it was uneventful compared to last year.

Here's Nancy, Victory Home's director, and Carolyn, church member and houseguest.

We had a "graduation celebration" on Tuesday for 10 VH men who have completed the program over the last couple of months.

Randy, a graduate from a couple of years ago, attended, with his new wife (that's not her - that's Flutterbug:-) - they were good buddies when he was with us.)

These are the four guys who are in the 3-year apprenticeship program.

These are a few of the many books I processed this week. Funny, it never gets old.

This is the condition of my back yard. I have a little work to do.

Books trump gardening, but not by much. Unfortunately, that enjoyment diminishes in the fall, and everything goes to pot (hehe). My pots are in desperate need of attention. I've got to plant all the lettuce, spinach, swiss chard and peppers that I bought the moment that I smelled spring in the air.

Today we liquidated a huge heap of donations with a yard sale. It was mobbed - they made $600 and will be doing it all again tomorrow.

Not a lot of writing in this post, but I had to start somewhere, and there's that "thousand word" thing, after all.

We're hitting the road on Sunday afternoon - first stop, Chattanooga, to check out Tennessee Temple U., then on to South Carolina for Mike's arthritis treatment, and then we'll hit Piedmont Baptist College in Winston-Salem on the way home. We need to make a final decision on this school business, and hopefully this trip will clarify things.

As a side benefit, maybe there'll be some bloggable moments and I can get back in the saddle. Out of the rut. In the swing. On the ball. And all that jazz.

1 comment:

Brenda Covert said...

I've noticed your absence and wondered what was up!

Tennessee Temple ... I considered going there because it was closer to home, but it didn't offer the major I wanted, and BJU did. That is, I didn't see it in the catalog until after I'd been at BJU for 2 years. Then I came home for the summer, flipped through that old TTU catalog -- and there it was! The major I'd been looking for and couldn't see! I guess it was a God thing. I wasn't supposed to go to TTU. Too bad, though, I could have ended up living closer to my parents, and who knows what else I might have avoided ...