My mind was whirling with thoughts of bath towels and pajamas, notebooks and nail clippers. And hovering just behind those thoughts, a shadow lurked - my little girl is leaving me.
How will I adjust to the empty bedroom (or the lack of dirty laundry all over the floor)? How will she be able to fall asleep at night without climbing on our bed to pray? And will Buddy be sitting at the front door every evening, pining for her return?
I know I will be.
Just when the thoughts began to overwhelm me, I saw something new in the clouds over my head.
I saw God's handiwork.
I saw His loving care in little details, like Snoopy-shaped clouds and gifts of highlighters and notebooks.
I saw His concern for those in His care, whether the egret flying over my head or a young lady flying out of her nest.
I saw His power, providing heat and light for lowly humans in swimming pools, and providing grace and strength for a little family in transition.
That grace is all that we'll need! And knowing that it's coming, I can rela-a-a-a-a-a-x.
Flutterbug and I tried making a little money for textbooks at the flea market this weekend.
We've already spent a lot of it on food.
Mike called on his way home from work the other night, telling us to grab our swimsuits and beach chairs. We headed to the beach and spent the evening gazing at the waves and lowering our blood pressure.
Flutterbug's pile of school supplies continues to grow - we may have to rent a U-Haul by the time we're done.
We took naps on Sunday afternoon AND Monday afternoon (our day off). I'm so relaxed now, I'm feeling downright mellow. Well, I did have that little meltdown around lunchtime today, but all that's left is a little twitch.
That grace won't come any too soon!
Big lump in my throat! Hope the joy you will experience each time she comes home will overpower the hard times. Love you all.
After Flutterbug leaves and settles into the college routine you will think to yourself,"What was I worried about?" Then you will fill the void with planning and getting excited and ready for her first trip home!!!
Hugs to you, Melanie. You're trading one adventure for another.
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