It's that, or having to write a bunch of stuff, which may have played a role in my recent laziness.
These pictures are in no particular order. I couldn't get much lazier than I am right now.
Last of the summer vegetables from the teeny-weeny back yard:
Lettuce, spinach, chives and beet plants collected from my favorite garden center while out on a bike ride. I can't pass that place without stopping.
AND, when we were waiting last week for a reporter to arrive to interview us for an article on Victory Home, I looked out the window of Mike's office to see a woman walk by, and I turned and said, "WHO are we meeting?"
"Christy Barritt," responded our grant-writer who had set up the interview. Turns out she writes for the paper, too, and we got to spend a little more time getting to know each other. She already knows Flutterbug pretty well, thanks to the glories of Facebook.
Now, back to short, lazy comments...
Uncle Bob feeling a little back-woodsy while shopping at the Mast General Store in SC:
Auntie rocking baby grand-nephew (not to be mistaken for baby grand pi...oh brother, I need to hit the hay).
Victory Home Thrift Store is going strong, helped by a couple of great guys who run the daily operation:
Ummm...I'm referring to the guy in blue, and one who's not in the picture, lest you be confused.
Our heading-toward-ninety-years-old volunteer busy at work:

She doesn't like having her picture taken. If she'd known I had done this, she'd have grabbed my forearm in a death grip (I kid you not) and reminded me.
My favorite Wawa treat:
A hint of this year's Christmas gifts:
A beautiful day in the Virginia mountains.
Squint and put your finger in your ear to see the hidden object in this one:

THIS was the most awesome thing we saw in the mountains:

Such momentous and profound things shared on this blog - aren't you glad I'm back?

Never go into a garden maze with a full bladder.
There you have it - 24,000 words and hardly a thing to read!
Now that you're all caught up (and Dad has hopefully figured out what Wawa is) I'll move on to the adventure of this weekend's nor'easter, and maybe write a bit about the Cat Treat Mistake of '09, and perhaps post a pic of Buddy in his new v-neck sweater (just as soon as I wash the tinkle off it - we forgot to train him how to remove it before going outside).
Such momentous and profound things shared on this blog - aren't you glad I'm back?
Fantastic. Thanks!!
I miss hte several-times-a-week blogging that you used to do.
And I'm excited about stories to come!
Thanks for the was fun! And what's so awesome about snow, by the way?
tuftmel says: So glad you're back! I
responded right away, but not having done such for awhile, I goofed and it did not get published. Why can they not make it simple for a novice to leave a comment???
Photos were so interesting. Is that the rear end of a bear or a cow going
into the brush? I couldn't tell from you're comment if you were being sarcastic or serious.
No, I don't know the word "wawa", and
googling it was hardly helpful! Why should I wade through 165,000 entries
when one sentence from you will do the trick?!!! (Something to do with nutrition?)
Any previous experience of mine with the word is what toddlers scream from their cribs in the wee hours: "I wanna drinka wawa!"
So there! Love, Dad
Thank you soooo much for my tripping fix! I check every day and get bumbed when I walk away from the computer with out a single entry from you. Love the bear butt. He must feel he is always the butt of human jokes! Lets tackle this word "wawa". Perhaps its a treat you give yourself after a waaaa waaaa moment? I am sitting on the edge of my seat in great anticipation..... what is wawa?
What's the bear bum? ( I was brought up to say "bottom" and if I'm being racy, I say "bum", but NEVER "butt") I did see the deer bottom.
If you follow the...ahem...animal bottom, you'll see an animal HEAD, Dad, and have your answer!
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