of second (or twentieth) chances,
of new beginnings.
So what if I fall back off the bandwagon with everyone else in a matter of weeks? My optimism reigns supreme. Yup, every single stinking year.
So...in an attempt to regain some control over my flesh, I'm working on purging the house of all holiday sweets, candy and treats.
Boy, am I getting a sugar rush.
I'm also trying to get some exercise - no sense waiting until January 1 for that, with all the calories I've inhaled this week.
So Buddy and I are hitting the road (don't get the wrong idea - I'm walking, not that crazy running stuff). Why, oh, why can't I ever remember to bring a bag for the doggy doo-doo that Buddy insists on dropping right in front of a homeowner every time we go for a walk? Are you familiar with pin oak trees? Those skinny little leaves are good for nothing. Ditto crape myrtle leaves. And don't even get me started on itty bitty boxwood. Where's a hosta plant when you need it??
Seems like God knew we'd need lots of opportunities to start over, so He broke time down into years, months, weeks, hours so that we can do just that. And sometimes I do need a start-over in a matter of hours or even minutes.
So...this week I make a list. I think and pray about the past year and the changes I need to make, and I start writing. I consider my spiritual life, my family, my health, my work. I love lists and I love fresh starts. Exhilarating!
Now off I go to finish purging this house. My fresh start, after all, is only three short days away!
That looks SOOOOO yummy!!!!
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I love fresh starts, too. Maybe that's because I'm more in need of them than other people.
I haven't begun my list yet, but now is as good a time as any...
#1. Do not give in to dd as she begs for a dog. The redtips growing outside are not big enough to handle outdoor "adventures."
LOL! Better plant some big-leaf maples!
btw, thank you for the belated Toblerone prize! It was yummy! Jasmine relished her Snickers bar, cutting it up and gently heating small pieces of it in the microwave before eating.
That looks like a freshly baked cake to me!
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