Mike says the same thing happens with homelessness, oddly enough. If we can get hold of a guy who's just ended up on the street, while he's scared to death and very uncomfortable, he'll be pretty willing to do what it takes to change. But give him about three days, and he'll begin to adapt to his situation and become much harder to reach. Same cold temperatures, same hard bench, same hunger pangs - totally different attitude!
One nice distraction from the computer situation was the SNOW. Oh, how we love it! This was the view through the pantry window. Doesn't it look like a dramatic painting?
The robins had already begun appearing this week; poor things don't seem to understand how to take shelter....
It's hard to imagine pretty flowers and veggies along this fence right now.
The day that it snowed, Mike and Flutterbug ventured out for a walk with Buddy.
They didn't make it very far before Buddy started trying to climb up Flutterbug's leg. The little furball doesn't care much for snow. Good thing I anticipated that and built him a fort the day before.
I was a little concerned that he'd be leery to enter it, but I needn't have worried. It's right outside the back door and he scrambled into it just as soon as nature called - that little patch of ground should be very fertile this spring.
We finally tossed him into the backyard; he didn't seem to appreciate the adventure of it, and tried to climb to higher ground.
The next day was sunny, so we headed out for a long, Buddyless walk all over town.
Three miles of stamping, slipping (only ONE fall, and it wasn't ME) and trudging, and I felt a little like Father Tim: "He was huffing like a steam engine and had lost feeling in most of his fingers and toes." I've missed that so much, living way down here in the south!
When we got home, I warmed up by cooking salmon patties over spaghetti squash. I don't know what it is about that combination, but Mike and I agree: IT IS AWESOME. Let me know if you want the details.
Since last week it has snowed again and we romantics are lovin' it. It's Narnia, it's trekking to Shangri-La, it's a snowman contest in Mitford...

Great analogy between loss of the computer you are used to and someone's loss of their home. Food for thought in many areas of our life. Thanks!
That must be how Barron adapts so quickly. However, he may currently be enjoying an orange jumpsuit and 3 squares a day...still waiting for confirmation on what justice served up yesterday.
All we've had is RAIN! Ever try to make rain angel? (There's a likelihood of drowning ...)
And yes! Love that shot out your pantry window!
Ugh - praying for Barron.
Try making dirt angels; a little messy, but less chance of drowning or catching cold!!
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