Sam I Am

I picked up my first farm co-op box today!

Lots of greens, of course, since it's only May...two kinds of lettuce, radishes, collards (think I'll give those away) and turnips. Since my house currently smells like a barn, I might as well cook turnips.

And look at those eggs! I just love the green one. It makes me feel all Dr.Seussy. any good turnip recipes? I'll go hunt for my nose plugs.


Modemom said...

Hey, this looks pretty good for the turnip. Take a look.

Paul and Vicki Young said...

My darling Hublet loves greens. We fry some onions, tomatoes, and greens with just garlic (maybe a tablespoon or so) and salt. We do it with turnip tops, and the African forms of spinach (slightly different from the US, but basically, greens are interchangeable) I think.

Timber said...

Thanks for the help, both of you! One of these days I'll post my results...