I like it a lot more when the stuff is GOOD; when it's mostly junk and trash, the task gets extremely tedious.
The days have been running together, and I missed my Wednesday CSA produce pickup last night. Picked it up today and bought a bit of cheese to make up for it - gruyere for a vegetable gratin, and some parmesan-reggiano just because it's so awesome. I sauteed the summer squash, zucchini, carrots and onion, added some flour, salt and pepper, and a cup of hot milk until it was all saucy.
Grated some of the gruyere, mixed it with bread crumbs, sprinkled it on the top and dotted it with butter. Baked it at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.
I had just a taste since I only have seven weeks until the trip to NH. And, of course, just a teeny bite from the block of parmesan cheese. And then just one more taste of the veggie gratin.. .
Guess what I did after I finished reading your last sentence? Smiled a B-I-G smile and laughed softly. Love your subtleness. It looks and sounds wonderful! Hope you left some for the other folks in your house. I pick you to live with after I can no longer cook for myself. Well...that might be any day now! xxxxoooo
awwww Alex is sitting on my lap as I read this and he saw the pic of buddy sitting on Bethanys lap... he said is that buddy? what is he doing on your computer?! your dish looks yummy!
You're coming to NH?? When and where??
Ready when you are, Mum!
Michelle (I still want to call you Inept, lol!), we'll be up (Lord willing) around the middle of August. Shall we meet? Let's!
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