Ode to a Neglected Blog

I know, I KNOW, I need to blog
I've fallen off the wagon
I manage one, or two, or three
And then I end up laggin'

As evening comes and day is done
I find my brain so foggy
I know there's lots of stuff to post
But I'm all pooped and groggy

Now the tales are piling up
I don't know where to start
The belly-flop onto the walk
My mother's bracelet art

And then there's Boo and Buddy who
Have come up with a plan
To work together in their way
To scare off every man (and cat)

I want to tell you all about
My groovy shopping finds
I'm sure what kind of shoes I buy's
On everybody's minds

But here it is, another night
Another foggy noodle
All you get's a silly poem
I'm off to eat a strudel

(Food: my Number One, All-time Favorite blog subject, by the way.)

(REMEMBER stanza two: FOGGY and GROGGY.)

(Right now.)


Brenda Covert said...

I don't know about your other readers, but I'm still feeling neglected ... ;-)

Modemom said...

Me, too.... but your Mom understands. Would you like the half a day I don't use to add on to yours? Love and prayers for you all.

Kelly Welch said...

Welcome back to blogging!
It has been long over due.
I would of given you a flogging
with my flip flop shoe.

That's all I got!!

turnkeymel said...

Ah! -- At last!
My one and only blog read's back!
I laughed until I cried.
I read it to an office mate
While munching on a snack.

And then I thought, O lucky you --
Just wait a few more years,
When the foggy groggy state descends
In the afternoon by two!

Timber said...

LOVE THE POEMS! Oh, and Mom, I'll take that half day. Ummm...I'll order a dozen now, and a dozen more in about a week...