It's the starting that's the hardest. Or, rather, the REstarting. But here I go...excuse the randomness of the post. In fact, embrace it! Who needs organized thought anyway? Think of this post as a big, colorful pile of confetti!
I found some strange ceramic rings at the thrift store. I don't know what on earth they're supposed to be for, but I stuck them to some mirrors, added buttons to the centers and, voila, modern art right over the toilet! I updated the little bathroom with a new mirror and bronze fixtures. Add to that the book of Christopher Robin's memoirs and I enjoy spending lots of time in there. A rebellious intestinal tract doesn't hurt either.
Flutterbug's been taking Boo to obedience class. The teacher said that dogs get used to the tone of our voices, so that saying "No" becomes ineffective. She suggested coming up with an irritating sound to use instead. Beth's choice sounds kind of like "aak" in a loud nasal tone. It's irritating all right. Irritates Boo, irritates Mike, irritates me. On the upside, we're all a lot more obedient.
My mother gave me a couple of fantastic cuff bracelets for my birthday. Love 'em! One was custom-made to match that pin I bought at the flea market.
1) She heard that the alpine slide at Attitash has double sleds and she was clear that she will NOT ride with me (because I went "careening off into the woods" once; I corrected that misconception - the sled went careening off into the woods...I landed face-down on the slide in a Superman pose. Still have the 20-year old scar on my knee as a souvenir).
2) She hopes we'll be driving up Mt. Washington again, and this time she'll be bringing a movie camera, which she plans to train on me, post on Youtube and make tons of money selling advertising when it goes viral. Now don't even tell me you wouldn't act the same way (alternately screeching with laughter and shrieking with fear) on a road like this (that little teeny bit of land in the lower left corner is the road's edge.
3) She does hope we'll go to Newick's again...they have pretty good hamburgers (to which my dad responded, upon hearing that she ordered a burger at one of the best seafood restaurants in NH: "Are you out of your bloomin' mind???!")
Got a cantaloup in my farm co-op box this weekend. My dad calls them musk melons, and now I think I know why - it is stinking up the kitchen with what can only be described as the putrid smell of cat pee. WHEW.
I took a flying leap on the walk home from the Independence Day fireworks. Stepped into a bit of a hole and wrenched my ankle and went down like a bear hit by a tranquilizer dart. Ironically, I was chattering with little Billy's dad about how often that boy falls down (every few minutes). He's 8 years old now and still has legs like the scarecrow on the Wizard of Oz. He skips everywhere he goes, falls down, hops right back up again (wait 'til he's 46 - it'll take 4 minutes and a lot of stifled wimpering and embarrassed giggling).
There you have it...a veritable sea of confetti-like minutiae. Party on!
Oh, Melanie, I never should check to see if you have a new post on your blog just before getting in bed. I jolted myself awake laughing hilariously with no hope of getting sleepy for another hour or so! I guess it's back to a few more games of Free Cell. xoxox
DEE-SCRRIPP-TIVV INN-DEEED!!! What a way you have with words!! I was chuckling to myself - at first - but then it got out of control, and my broker came out of his office to find out why I fell out of my chair laughing!! (Forgive my exacerbated
poetic exaggeration.)
All of your colorul pile of ceramic spagetti - er, confetti - could be commented on with relish. But suffice it to say "bravo" on a most amusing, long awaited (again) blog. Someone has to ascend the comedy throne after Phyllis Diller and Irma Bombeck -- and it might as well be you! Just be careful how you write my epitaph, however.
If I happen to be with you next time you mount the auto road to the sky, perhaps we both could lie on
the floor behind the front seats, and emerge to enjoy the view when we get to the summit. How about it?
Actually, I'd really like to take the cog train to the top sometime before I die, but it is so expensive it's not for us peons.
Instead of Newick's, where everything is deep fried, including the restaurant itself, if you go by the pervasive odor of hot fat, how about Warren's Lobster House as an
alternative? Good water view, and they have a fabulous salad bar to go with your entre. Of course I don't know if burgers count as an entre, but hopefully Flutterbug won't want to waste a great meal out again! he-he!
Keep on writing !!!
Really cool wall art you created! Is that the bathroom at work?
My cats respond to "NO!" accompanied by a loud clap. Jasmine says the clap hurts their ears. But whether or not it does, it does make them mind me!
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